Friday, December 19, 2008

School's out!

Wow finally done with school, well, for a little while. so i know it's not saturday but i may not have a chance to post tomorrow. So guess what! we had a snow day yesterday! woo hoo! and it's silly cuz we only had like 3 inches of snow. but hey, what can you do? any way my family and i are headin to las vegas and visiting my aunts, but that's not all, for those of you who have seen americas got talent, the ventriloquist who won last year will be performing, and we're gonna go see him! im super excited! im down to working only saturday's at arby's and it blows. cuz i not only can't work most saturdays but my paychecks are down to like 50 dollars, i know pathetic right? but i figure as long as im getting any money, it's enough. well g2g.
-living in different worlds, under the same stars
-Ell mo-ree